Walt Disney Acropora
Acropora are considered by many hobbyists to be the pinnacle of reef keeping. They absolutely require a mature tank and stable water parameters but are highly rewarding. While there are countless trade names and colour morphs available one that is instantly recognizable is the Walt Disney Acropora. The colours of this coral are almost impossible to describe. It has a beautiful green base, red corallites, yellow polyps and blue growth tips. While the label “the most beautiful coral in the world” is highly subjective, the Walt Disney Acropora would certainly be on the finalists list. The Walt Disney is an Acropora tenuis so it is a bushy acropora that grows in a branching form. It will also encrust around its base, creating a beautiful carpet around itself.
In the wild, Acropora Tenuis are found in the Western Pacific and the Rea Sea. They are a light loving coral so they are found on the upper reef slopes at depths of between 8 and 20 meters. They are also generally found in areas of high water movement. While Acropora tenuis are abundant in the wild, popular and widely recognizable morphs, such as the Walt Disney acro, are either aquacultured or maricultured. This ensures a relative uniformity of colour and also means that specimens are conditioned to thrive in a home aquarium. They are generally placed on an exposed piece of rockwork in the upper third of the tank where they will receive high levels of both light and flow.
While there are many types of Acropora, two traits that they all share are a love of high levels of light and strong, indirect, flow. A coral’s colour can be a good indicator of whether they are receiving the appropriate levels of light. A coral that is turning brown may not be receiving enough light and one that is turning white or bleaching may be receiving too much light. Flow should be strong, but indirect. An appropriate level of flow will encourage the polyps to extend and add to the coral’s brilliant colouration. Waterflow also helps to keep the coral clean and brings food to the polyps.
Walt Disney Acropora are photosynthetic and can meet all of their energy needs by utilizing aquarium lighting. However, some hobbyists find that supplemental feeding can increase the growth rate and encourage polyp extension. A good choice for feeding is Vitalis SPS Coral Food.
While Acropora are considered one of the more difficult corals to keep, they are very easy to frag. A pair of coral cutters can be used to cut a piece from the mother colony, which can then be glued to a frag plug and allowed to heal. It really is that simple.
For hobbyists with a mature, stable tank the Walt Disney Acropora makes an absolutely stunning addition.
Under white led lights
under all blue led light