Hermit Crabs: One Of The Best Clean Up Crew Members For Your Reef Tank

Reef Tank Hermit Crabs

Hermit Crabs are some of the best and useful members of your clean up crew. They are the ultimate scavengers and will eat all uneaten food and even detritus.  They will keep your salt water aquarium free of nuisance and ugly algae’s. Not all hermit crabs are reef safe but at Frabgox corals we only sell reef safe clean up crew and hermit crabs so you can shop without worry. The ones we sell will not bother your fish, corals or other tank inhabitants. They are super efficient and important to keep in any reef aquarium.

Hermit crabs will eat just about any type of nuisance algae. Blue leg hermits for example will eat some of the most dread nuisance algae like red slime. Hermit also help to sift and aerate the sand you aquarium as they move naturally with their shells. They also have a striking electric blue pattern across their legs that add life and color to any aquarium.



Hermits are excellent scavengers, they will eat almost all uneaten fish food. Fish food that goes uneaten and ends up in the rock and sand bed will quickly decompose degrading your aquariums water quality. By keeping this excellent foragers they will eat any unconsumed food helping keep your tanks nutrient levels down. Polkadot hermits are not shy ! they are super fast and can quickly consume any left over food.

Smaller hermits like the dwarf hermits are great because of their small size they can get into the tightest of spaces in your rock. Some of the larger hermits can miss patches of algae or uneaten food so its good to keep a mix of different types, species and sizes of hermits.

Halloween Hermit


Halloween hermits are some of the largest and most colorful reef safe hermits we can keep in aquariums. They get their name from their striking leg band patterns. They almost every single type of algae and they are probably the most peaceful of all the hermits. They can coexist with all other species and you can keep many in one tank. Their large shell is also excellent and slowly sifting and aerating sand beds.