Polkadot Hermit Crab
The Polkadot Hermit Crab, Phimochirus operculatus, is a scavenging invertebrate. A common CUC member, the Polkadot hermit consumes excess food, detritus and algaes. This hermit is considered to be a less aggressive species of hermit crab thus making it a better reef inhabitant. As with all hermits, it is best to have extra shells hidden in the tank so they do not compete with other hermits and snails for a new shell after they molt.
Slow temperature acclimation: 15-30 min
Dripping is the preferred method of acclimation for all inverts. Most invertebrates will do well with a 1 hour drip. More sensitive invertebrates like starfish and urchins should be dripped for longer.
The AccuDrip by Innovatiove Marine is an excellent, affordable, acclimation tool to make dripping marine inhabitants easy and pain free.
Notes for Success:
- Always have extra shells in the tank
- Supplement feeding if no algae is available
- Make sure there is no significant change in water temperature while acclimating.
- They are not tolerant of high nitrates
- They are not tolerant of copper medications