The single most important measurement, If this is incorrect everything else is off. We highly recommend the Reef Casa Refractometer. Its the only device we use and trust in house here at Fragbox. With nearly a quarter million $ of livestock under our roof, we calibrate often and trust this device above all others.


We have tried them all, our hands, favorite, most accurate, reliable and affordable award goes to Aqua Forest. The same test we use in house. Each batch ICP tested and comes with reference solution.


Generations of aquarists have trusted salifert for reliable and easy to perform test kit results. With a wide range of different useful test kits.

ICP Testing

The most advanced water test available to reefers. Mailing location in Mississauga, then they go to Belgium. Results in about 1 week. Great for narrowing down missing trace elements or contaminants.

PH & Temperature

Crucial tank parameters.

TDS Meters

For testing total dissolved solids of the water coming out of RODI unit, important measurement informing you when its time to change your RODI media.

Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $19.95.