Neptune Apex Trident


Please note you do need an apex controller in orders to use the trident aquarium monitor. Either the Neptune Apex EL or Neptune Apex Gold, both will allow you to use this device.

The single most amazing aquarium product to be released in the last 10 years.

  • The trident will automatically test your aquariums water for the 3 of the most important elements Alkalinity, Calcium, and Magnesium
  • Up to 24 Alkalinity tests per day with +/-.05 dKh precision
  • Up to 12 Calcium tests per day with +/-15 ppm precision
  • Up to 12 Magnesium tests per day with +/-15 ppm precision
  • ~7.9ml sample water used per parameter tested
  • ~7 minutes testing time per parameter tested
  • Up to one month of testing before reagents need changing based on base level testing of 4-Alk, 2-Ca, 2-Mg per day.