One of the coolest and brightest of all the encrusting montipora species, the mystic sunset montipora. This coral has been in collection probably the longest out of any of the corals we grow. It is so easy and forgiving. Its insane vibrant pink body is complimented by bright blue polyps and is unlike any other type of montipora. It is simply unmistakable.
Encursting montipora as their name suggest encrust over your rock work. They will grow over other surfaces such as glass or aquarium bottoms. We recommended placing them on rocks that are easy to move and manage in the event that in the future you would like to frag this coral it makes it much easier. It calcifies and encrusts over rock work over any other surface. Its fast growing and easy to keep it. It has no sting and does well in medium-higher parts of any aquarium. They do like moderate flow and need the current to keep their bodies clean. They should show off a deep rich color, if they begin to look light or pale they are getting too much light as where brown coloration usually indicated not enough light.
Purchase size – 1” Frag glued to a standard frag plug