Also known as a Pom-Pom Coral, Torch Corals are, along with their other Euphyllia cousins, a classic reef tank coral. There are many different colour morphs available, but one of the most stunning and sought after is the Indonesian Gold Torch. While there are some colour variations they all have long tentacles that are generally gold with purple or blue highlights and a contrasting coloured tip. In addition to its stunning colours, the Indonesian Gold Torch is popular because of the movement they bring to the tank. They are a colonial coral and grow through splitting, with a single head slowly dividing into two. Like all LPS corals, they grow a stony skeleton made out of sodium bicarbonate.
As its name might suggest, the Indonesian Torch Coral is found in the waters off Indonesia. Torch corals are found on reef slopes as deep as 40 meters. They prefer waters that have moderate levels of movement. High demand corals with specific trade names, such as the Indonesian Gold Torch, are also aquacultured. There are many options for torch coral placement in a home aquarium. If desired, they can be placed on the sandbed but they are more commonly attached to the rockwork. Regardless of placement it is important to give the torch coral plenty of space, as it has a powerful sting. Multiple torch corals can be placed together to form a “torch garden” and some hobbyists report success keeping them in close proximity to hammer corals and frogspawn. However, they have also been known to sting these other members of the Euphyllia family so be sure to keep an eye on them.
Indonesian Torch Corals require moderate levels of both light and flow. In terms of lighting, they can be kept successfully in a wide range of conditions so long as the light is not overly intense. They should not, however, be kept in very low light conditions. Flow should be sufficient to cause the tentacles to sway in the current but not so intense that they stay retracted or are damaged.
All torch corals are photosynthetic and are able to fulfill their energy needs by utilizing aquarium lighting, but can be spot fed if desired. Spot feeding will likely increase the growth rate and can cause the coral to appear plumper and display more vibrant colours. Vitalis LPS Food is a good choice for hobbyists who wish to feed their torch corals.
Colony photo example below
<img class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-202830″ src=”×683.jpg” alt=”” width=”1020″ height=”680″ />
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