The frilly arrow crab has a spider-like appearance with long spindly legs. These legs and body shape also give them a very spideresque style of movement as they crawl through the tank. Their legs and body are covered with small bristle like structures, giving them a frilly appearance. They are generally whitish or light tan in colour with darker brown lines. The frilly arrow crab can be found through the shallow reefs of the Caribbean. While it is most commonly found on reefs it is one of the most diverse crabs in terms of its habitat and can also be found on sandy bottoms, rocky bottoms and even wharf piling. In a home aquarium they prefer to spend their daylight hours on the underside of ledges or in caves before venturing out to hunt at night.
Therefore they will appreciate a tank with ample rockwork. Its appeal in home aquariums is not limited to its unique body shape and style of movement. The frilly arrow crab is an effective carnivore. It can help control populations of smaller bristle worms as well as some flatworms in a home aquarium. They have even been known to remove pests directly from corals. While the frilly arrow crab is predominantly a hunter, it will also scavenge for leftover fish food and other meaty foods. Some aquarists will supplement its diet with chopped squid. Like most invertebrates the frilly arrow crab is not tolerant of copper based medications.