Dragon’s Breath is a popular macro algae that is used for both decorative purposes and nutrient export. It comes in a deep red colour with fringes that are a brighter red or orange. This gives it the appearance of dragon’s fire. It grows in distinct fronds and can easily be propagated or controlled by cutting.
Dragon’s Breath is found in the Indo-Pacific region but most of what is available for sale in the saltwater hobby is aquacultured. It can be found in a variety of habits including coastal reefs and mudflats. In a home aquarium it requires moderately intense light in the 350-500 PAR range. It also is best suited to moderate water flow. It can be planted directly into the substrate or attached to a piece of rubble rock with an elastic band (which can be removed once the Dragon’s Breath has attached itself to the rock) It can also be placed in a refugium and will work best when tumbled.
There are many reasons to add this unique macro algae to a home tank. It is certainly one of the most beautiful macro algaes available and adds a splash of vibrant red to a display tank. In addition, it will also absorb nutrients from the tank and reduce levels of phosphate and nitrate, like all macro algae. It can then be easily trimmed and the nutrients it has absorbed are then removed from the tank. It also serves as a food source for fish such as tangs and a hiding place for small organisms. Of course it can also simply be placed in a refugium to reduce nutrients.
While no algae grown in a home aquarium should be consumed some species of the Gracilaria order are aquacultured for consumption or to make gelatin. There is also some research being conducted into some of their compounds being useful in medicine as antiviral agents.