Arrow Crab
Arrow crabs are hardy and easy to keep in reef aquariums. The arrow crab is often added to reef tank because of its unique look but it can also be added to help control bristle worms and fire worm populations. Its unique long legs and claws allow it to penetrate deep into rock work pulling out unsuspecting worms. Its amazing to watch it hunt and eat. They are friendly with other crabs but can show aggression to other arrow crabs. Our recommend minimum tank size is 10 gallons. It will readily accept frozen food, pellet and flake foods as they are not finicky eaters
If you manage to catch a fire or bristle worm you can spot feed the arrow crab, I promise you won’t be disappointed its incredible.
Slow temperature acclimation: 15-30 min
Dripping is the preferred method of acclimation for all inverts. Most invertebrates will do well with a 1 hour drip. More sensitive invertebrates like starfish and urchins should be dripped for longer.
The AccuDrip by Innovatiove Marine is an excellent, affordable, acclimation tool to make dripping marine inhabitants easy and pain free.
Notes for Success:
- One per 20 gallon
- Make sure there is no significant change in water temperature while acclimating.
- They are not tolerant of high nitrates
- They are not tolerant of copper medications