Ecotech Radion Gen 5 Blue vs Pro – Which One Is Better ?

Ecotech Radion Gen 5 Blue vs Pro – Which One Is Better ?

The EcoTech Radion line of lights has been a gold standard for years, and with the new XR 30 and XR 15 Generation 5 models, users are given a choice between Pro and Blue options.  So what is the difference between the EcoTech Blue and Pro lighting options?  And which one is right for your reef tank?


What’s the Same

The good news is that both the EcoTech G5 Blue and EcoTech G5 Pro lights are great lights that will do a fantastic job providing your corals with their energy needs, as well as making them look great for viewing.  Both models are easily controllable with the Mobius app and come with a number of preprogrammed spectrum templates, including the popular Coral Lab AB+ spectrum.  Both offer varying levels of customization, including intensity, ramp up and down times, lunar cycles and more.


So What’s the Difference?

The main difference between the Blue and Pro models are the ratio of blue LEDs to other colours, especially white.  For example, the XR 15 Blue has 35 LEDs that are in the blue spectrum, whereas the Pro model has 26.  The majority of the extra blue LEDs on the XR 15 Blue come at the expense of the white LEDs, as the Blue model has 3 white LEDs to the Pro’s 15.  The Blue model also has a dark blue hint to the top of the light casing, although once a mounting arm is attached this is fairly difficult to notice.


Which One Is Right for You?

There really is no wrong answer to this question, since both lights are standouts.  It really comes down to what your goals are in the hobby and what you find aesthetically pleasing.  The XR G5 Blue models are tailored specifically to the AB+ spectrum and all a user needs to do is set each channel to 100%, set the intensity (ideally with the aid of a PAR meter) and sit back and enjoy.  The heavily blue spectrum really brings out the fluorescence of the corals and looks great.  Of course, users can use the individual colour channels to tailor the lighting to what they feel looks the best.  The XR G5 Pro models can also be tuned to the AB+ spectrum, but offer more customization options, especially with the inclusion of both cool and warm white channels.  This allows reefers who want to be able to control the finer details of their lighting to make more minute changes.


The Verdict

Both lights are great so it all comes down to personal preference.  The Blue model offers simplicity since it is designed to run the AB+ spectrum out of the box, whereas the Pro model can be configured to run the AB+ spectrum, but offers slightly more customization.  Either light makes a great choice and here at Fragbox Corals we would be happy to discuss your lighting needs and help you choose the best light for your particular setup and goals.


Ecotech Radion XR15 Blue

Ecotech Radion XR15 Pro

Ecotech Radion XR30 Blue

Ecotech Radion XR30 Pro