The Orchid Dottyback is also known as the Fridman’s Dottyback or the Fridman’s Pseudochromis. It has a classic elongated predator’s body and is a gorgeous lavender colour. It has a distinctive black line that runs from the tip of its mouth to behind its eye. They stay fairly small and will grow to a maximum of about 3”.
The Orchid Dottyback is found only in the Red Sea. They live on reefs and spend the majority of their time in and around rock formations. This provides them with ample hiding places, as well as hunting grounds. They are found at a wide variety of depths, ranging between 1 and 60 meters. Due to their popularity they are also extensively captive bred. This breeding means that they are accustomed to eating prepared foods and some aquarists claim that captive bred specimens are more peaceful. In a home aquarium they absolutely require ample live rock with numerous hiding places. They are generally peaceful towards other fish but may be aggressive towards other dottybacks.
Like all dottybacks, the Orchid Dottyback is a carnivore. Its diet in the wild consists of small crustaceans, worms and plankton. In a home aquarium they can be fed a combination of brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, finely chopped meaty foods as well as quality pellets. They will also consume small worms that they find in the tank. The Orchid Dottyback is one of the more peaceful members of the dottyback family and its beautiful colour make it a popular addition to home aquariums. The fact that they will also consume small nuisance worms is an added bonus.
For hobbyists looking to add an easy to feed, hardy fish with a stunning purple colouration the Orchid Dottyback makes a great choice.