The Midas Blenny, also sometimes known as the Persian Blenny, makes a wonderful reef tank resident. It is peaceful, reef safe, and has a gorgeous bright yellow colouration. It has the classic elongated shape characteristic of most blennies with a forked tail and blue vertical bars on either side of its eyes. It spends its days swimming from rock perch to rock perch, as it does not have a swim bladder so it can only swim for relatively short distances. While it may be shy initially, once it is comfortable the Midas Blenny spends much of its time out in the open.
This blenny is native to the tropical east coast of Africa and the Maldives. It is most commonly found amongst rockwork where it can take shelter in caves or overhangs when needed. Due to their popularity there is an extensive aquaculture industry and captive bred specimens are usually fairly easy to find. Regardless of whether they are captive bred or live caught, Midas Blennies prefer a home aquarium with ample live rock to rest on with overhangs and ledges. It will also graze for algae on the live rock, although not as actively as some other species of blenny.
The Midas Blenny is an omnivore, which is somewhat unique among blennies. As an omnivore, they should be fed a variety of foods, including finely chopped meaty foods and mysis shrimp. Vegetable matter such as nori should also be provided if there is not sufficient algae in the tank. The Midas Blenny can also be fed quality fish pellets or flakes.
For hobbyists looking for a peaceful, reef safe fish that can bring a beautiful splash of yellow to their home aquarium the Midas Blenny makes a great choice.