Common Name: Meat Coral
Order: Scleractinia
Latin Name: Acanthophyllia
Origin: Indo-pacific, Australia, Vietnam
Category: LPS
Care Level: Beginner (Easy)
Temperament: Peaceful
Lighting: Low
Waterflow: Low-Medium
Placement: Sandbed
Colors: Various
Growth Speed: Slow

What Are Plate Acanthophyllia ?

Acanthophyllia are a stunning group of LPS corals that are sometimes referred to as Meat Corals or Doughnut Corals.  They grow as a single, fleshy polyp that covers a large, sharp skeleton.  They are most commonly available as green or purple specimens but are also available in some rare and wild colour morphs, including rainbow.  While more colourful pieces tend to be more expensive they are quite hardy and make a show stopping centerpiece coral in any reef tank.

You can find these and other acathophyllia and other lps corals here


What Are Acanthophyllia Found ?

Acanthophyllia are native to the waters off Australia where they are found at depths of up to 80 feet.  They tend to be found on less turbulent reef slopes in areas of moderate light.

Acanthophyllia Coral Placement

In a home aquarium, they are almost always placed on the sandbed as this will give them the room that they need to expand.   While they are not an overly aggressive coral they should be given plenty of space to allow for this expansion.  Be careful when handling this coral as their skeleton is quite sharp and can pierce their flesh if they are handled improperly.  Try to wait until they are deflated and pick them up from underneath the base if they must be handled.

These corals prefer moderate levels of light and moderate to low levels of flow.  Generally a place on the sandbed, slightly off to the side, will provide the ideal environment.  Flow should be sufficient to prevent the build up of detritus but not so strong that the coral does not inflate or the flesh is folded over on itself.


Acanthophyllia  Color & Size & Prices

Acanthophyllia are hardy corals that are available in a huge variety of beautiful colour morphs and can make a standout addition to any home aquarium. The can grow up to 12” across and live for many years. The color varieties are virtually unlimited  They can fetch some incredible price tags, usually starting at around $500 and up to $5,000.

Acanthophyllia Coral Feeding

Like the vast majority of corals, Acanthophyllia are photosynthetic and can meet their energy needs using aquarium lighting.  However, they will also happily eat LPS pellets and many hobbyists report better colouration and faster growth when they are actively fed.

Acanthophyllia Coral Fragging

Because Acanthophyllia grow as a single polyp they cannot be fragged.  In the wild they will spawn to reproduce but this is not possible to recreate in a home aquarium.  This is one of the reasons for their relatively high price point.